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We love a 2,800 staff from 10 sites (five departmental divisions and 10 agencies) to a new building



hit and the world dramatically changed


people relocated,
over 8 separate moves


lockers allocated


lineal metres of storage mapped
and stowed


project milestone
dates were achieved in an incredibly challenging environment

We love a 2,800 staff from 10 sites (five departmental divisions and 10 agencies) to a new building...during a global pandemic.

the opportunity

Due for completion in June 2020, the new building would bring together diverse and separate departments and agencies under one roof, with the aim of establishing greater cohesion and connection across the portfolio. It created many opportunities, including:

  • Transition to new agile ways of working, to break down silos, foster greater cooperation and better service delivery

  • Adoption of paper-lite practices, to reduce wasteful printing and storage needs, creating more valuable space for people, not paper

  • Consolidation of resources, for greater efficiency and thoughtful spending of taxpayer funds

  • Sustainability and cost benefits of reusing or donating furniture and assets, where feasible

Many teams resisted the changes, fearing a dilution of their autonomy, sharing spaces, assets, and infrastructure.

With this cultural backdrop, there was also a complex, logistical challenge. Ultimately, eight separate moves were scheduled between June to September, with four of those moves planned in a 2-week period. Challenging, but not impossible for team Puzzle.

Then COVID hit and the world dramatically changed.

our approach

Military-like precision. A genuine, resilient, client partnership. An adaptable relocation methodology. A comprehensive communication plan.

The approach needed to be agile, able to respond quickly to changing project requirements, such as the rapid growth of the COVID-19 contact tracing team and the adoption and adherence to COVID safe practices. In partnership with the client, Puzzle implemented the following:

The 'what & where' of it all

Puzzle engaged with teams across 10 sites to establish an information baseline, auditing storage and assets. This information helped to inform the paper-reduction program and targets, as well as storage allocations and mapping at the new build. It also revealed opportunities to reuse existing assets, or for assets in good condition to be donated to charities, delivering on sustainability commitments which were important to many staff.

The audits also tagged any necessary repairs and maintenance across all sites. Puzzle worked in tandem with the project team to oversee the department's 'make good' obligations and ready the sites for other incoming NSW government teams.

Saddle up partners

Puzzle recruited and coordinated a 40-strong team of move champions; ambassadors and influencers from across the department and agencies, tasked with data validation, team communication and engagement. Coordination demands were high, as most were working remotely in the wake of the pandemic. Relationships were key. This was a team of 'go to' people, critical intermediaries between the project and various divisions and agencies.

A place for everything, and everything in its place

Puzzle worked with team reps to understand storage needs and practices, and opportunities for clean-up and storage reduction. Reduction plans were developed for each team.

Puzzle managed the logistics and communication for clean-up days across each site, and worked with external archiving, storage, and waste removal providers. Storage re-baseline audits were conducted post culling and archiving and incorporated in the storage maps for the new build.

It's a numbers game

Puzzle created and managed a comprehensive move database, recording every person, locker, storage unit, asset, their current and future locations, as well as a complex move schedule. Storage allocations were undertaken for every team, within a pre agreed per person volume, and considering unique adjacency and security needs. It was a puzzle (pardon the pun) and Puzzle were the cruciverbalists.

With impending lease end dates, the schedule was tight. When COVID struck, more than 740 database changes and multiple schedule changes were required to enable crisis response teams to convene quickly and to ensure COVID safe practices were applied and upheld. Given the dynamic nature of the move schedule, Puzzle successfully completed one of the relocations with just four days’ notice.

We're all in this together

The physical relocations were impacted dramatically by the pandemic. Puzzle responded quickly to ensure a smooth and safe transition. Packing crates were delivered weeks early to allow people more time to prepare, and to accommodate large groups working from home.

Puzzle supervised and monitored every move, reinforcing COVID measures, including safe handling, hygiene, and physical distancing.

Puzzle also extended the time allowed for post move support, to accommodate smaller, safely distanced groups for site tours and induction. Puzzle coordinated up to four intake sessions daily, and due to COVID, it was the first time many had visited their new premises.

the results

The project was delivered successfully, and Puzzle welcomed positive reviews from the client.

  • All agencies and divisions were well prepared for the relocation. Staff were engaged, positive and committed throughout the transformation

  • All people were relocated and inducted into the premises, safely

  • Critical project milestone dates were achieved in an incredibly challenging environment

  • Storage requirements were dramatically reduced and all remaining paper has a home

The project highlighted Puzzle's adaptability to an ever-changing scope of works, the power of teamwork, the importance of a cool head in a crisis, and the value of a genuine client partnership.




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Co-locate 2,800 staff from 10 sites (5 divisions and 10 agencies) to a new building

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Co-locate 2,800 staff from 10 sites (5 divisions and 10 agencies) to a new building
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Co-locate 2,800 staff from 10 sites (5 divisions and 10 agencies) to a new building

We love a 2,800 staff from 10 sites (five departmental divisions and 10 agencies) to a new building...during a global pandemic.

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Co-locate 2,800 staff from 10 sites (5 divisions and 10 agencies) to a new building
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Co-locate 2,800 staff from 10 sites (5 divisions and 10 agencies) to a new building
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Establishing a “new normal”, pioneering new ways of working, and building enthusiasm and positivity in the client’s team.

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